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Instagram Challenge #doodlewithusinnovember

#doodlewithusinnovember Instagram Challenge with the theme 'I'm Grateful for...' - www.christina77star.co.uk

October is almost finished and I'm excited to announce our Instagram Challenge for the month of November! It's the #doodlewithusinnovember Instagram Challenge created by me and Alexandra (from @alexandra_plans).

It's going to be 30 days of doodles that will hopefully get you to be creative and have fun! The theme of November's Prompts is 'I'm Grateful for...', and I'm really excited about this theme!!!

Because of the nature of the theme, this month we are not doing the  big comprehensive picture. Instead, we are going back to the original design with 30 squares, one per prompt. So, in the end of the month we'll have 30 things/people/ideas that we're grateful about! :)

You can download a free printout with the daily prompts here.

#doodlewithusinnovember Instagram Challenge with the theme 'I'm Grateful for...' - www.christina77star.co.uk

If you want to join us then:

  • Follow me (Christina) @christina77star and Alexandra @alexandra_plans over on Instagram.
  • Download the prompts below.
  • Draw something according to the day's prompt, take a photo of it, and share it with us on Instagram. 
  • Don't forget to add the hashtag #doodlewithusinnovember and spread the word.
  • Everyone is welcome! 

#doodlewithusinnovember Instagram Challenge with the theme 'I'm Grateful for...' - www.christina77star.co.uk

We're excited to see what you'll share! 

Thank you for joining in!