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Plan With Me: My March 2019 Setup in my Bullet Journal

Hello everyone!

February has been such a short month! It feels like it has only lasted 2 weeks! And here we are again planning for the next month. ☺️ Usually Cyprus has very mild winters. However, this year we have felt the cold and the rain, especially in the last two months. So, I needed some sunshine and colour in my bullet journal to welcome the spring (that’s hopefully around the corner! 🌸). I wanted to make my spreads nice and colourful, without going for the usual floral theme.

So, for March I chose to do a theme about colour.

Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the post, because there's also a video, where I'm showing you exactly how I've created each spread.

As always we start with the Cover Page of the month. I personally like it when I add some sort of quote or saying in my cover page. So, every time I open my bullet journal I see it and get positive thoughts. For this month’s theme I went with the phrase: “Live a colourful life!”, which I placed on a canvas and added lots of paint splashes around, to add colour and dimension to the picture. I used my Tombow N75 to add the shadows that make the colour splashes pop. I really like how it turned out and it puts a smile on my face every time I look at it.

The trick with using watercolours in your bullet journal, is to add as less water as possible. And also you have to let it dry completely before you move on to the next page. I find it easier to use a water blush for this, but of course you can use a normal paint brush and some water.

This month I decided to create a Monthly Spread. I love that I have the option with this system to choose which pages I can add each month. This flexibility and personalisation is what drew me to bullet journaling in the first place. So, for March I went with a grid layout that I got inspired by the amazing @dutch_dots on Instagram. I really like this layout and the space it gives me on the left page to add all my monthly to-dos, appointments, notes etc.

I added some emoji colour buckets at the top, that I think are the cutest thing ever! So much so, that I made them into stickers! I created 8 adorable little characters that can fill with colour your pages. You can now find the colour bucket emotis on my Etsy Shop.

On the next page I added my Notes Page. This has become a standard page in my monthly layout. This time around I decided to add some doodles to decorate it. So, on the top I added some paint brushes and on the bottom a paint tube. And as always I added my grey lines with my Tombow N75 marker.

For my Monthly Goals, I decided to do something different this month. I find that I’m very good at setting goals and plan things for each month. However, this time around I wanted to add actionable steps that will help me achieve those goals. I also changed a bit my 4 categories. Now my categories are: Health & Wellness, Career & Finance, Family & Relationships and Spiritual. I find that being more specific like this with my categories, helps me to set more specific and detailed goals. For each category I created 2 boxes next to each other. In the first box I’ll be writing my goals for this specific category, and in the second box I'll be writing the steps or actions that will help me to achieve it. This is a text month for this page. I’m not sure if the space I have will be enough to write all the things I want. So, we’ll see, and if needed I can turn it into a 2-page spread. But for now, I like how it looks and I can’t wait to start using it.

And then move on to the first Weekly Spread of the month. I chose one of my usual layouts, but I added paint buckets on each day to keep up with the theme and to add more colour. I also tried to create a rainbow effect, and I’m really pleased with the result. ☺️


And that is the March setup in my bullet journal. I hope you liked it and that you’ve found some inspiration. Let me know in the comments below what theme you’ve chosen for March.

See this gallery in the original post