My 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through + Video

After my video of my 5th bullet journal setup, a lot of you asked me to make a flip through video of my 4th bullet journal. I’ve been bullet journaling for almost 3 years now and I always like to go back through my previous bullet journals and see how I was creating my spreads then, which pages I preferred to add to my monthly setup and generally to see how much my layouts have evolved through time. So, I thoroughly enjoyed creating this video and going through all the pages I’ve created in 2018 so far.

My 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through | christina77star

After my video of my 5th bullet journal setup, a lot of you asked me to make a flip through video of my 4th bullet journal. I’ve been bullet journaling for almost 3 years now and I always like to go back through my previous bullet journals and see how I was creating my spreads then, which pages I preferred to add to my monthly setup and generally to see how much my layouts have evolved through time. So, I thoroughly enjoyed creating this video and going through all the pages I’ve created in 2018 so far.

I’ll show you now some pictures of a few of the spreads that I created in my 4th bullet journal, but make sure to scroll down to the bottom of the post, where you can find the Flip Through Video.

My 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through | christina77star

For my 4th bullet journal I used a Scribbles That Matter notebook and I loved it! You can read my review of this notebook, to see it’s features in more detail.

My 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through | christina77star

As i’ve mentioned before, I like to create a quote page on the very first page of my notebooks. And for 2018 I chose the one you see in the picture above. I have a video where I show you exactly how I created this design.

I also have a whole Course dedicated on ‘Creative Journaling’, where I show you step by step how I setup my 4th bullet journal. This course is full with information, advice, tips & tricks as well a workbook and lots of printables.

For more information about the course click here.

If you follow the link, you can also get a printable of this design, plus some of my other quotes and drawings I’ve created in my previous bullet journals.

My 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through | christina77star

This notebook also has a pre-made Key page and an Index, which is very handy. I kept things minimal this time and to the point.

My 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through | christina77star

One more spread you can find in my 4th bullet journal is the one I created about my Word of the Year. For 2018 the word I chose was Believe and I decided to create a whole spread dedicated to that word, in order to remind myself of it throughout the year, and to really start believing in myself and my potential! Adding some relevant quotes and a nice drawing makes this spread really inspiring every time I look at it. I’ve written a blog post on how I choose my Word of the Year each time.

My 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through | christina77star

One of the most functional spreads in my bullet journal is my shopping list spread. This is where I have created a master shopping list for both my supermarket and my vegetable shopping. And the way I use it is to go through it, while I’m creating my shopping list each week, to make sure I don’t forget anything. I have a post-it note on the left hand page where I note down everything I need as I remember it within the week, and when I need to go shopping I just take that note with me. Simple!

My 2018 Bullet Journal Flip Through | christina77star

Lastly, this is one of the many weekly spreads that you’ll see in my video. I prefer creating weekly spreads instead of daily ones. You can see in the picture how my spread looks when it’s filled in. Actually this is one of my favourite layouts that I use all the time. And you can see all the weekly layouts I like in the following video.

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Bullet Journal Christina K Bullet Journal Christina K

New Bullet Journal Flip Through (+ Video)

Today I'll share with you the pages and spreads that I've created in my second bullet journal until now. This time I've chosen a bright orange Leuchtturm1917 in A5 with dotted grid. (You can see my first bullet journal here). I started my second bullet journal in the beginning of September and I've managed to transfer most of my favourite spreads in it by now.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

Today I'll share with you the pages and spreads that I've created in my second bullet journal until now. This time I've chosen a bright orange Leuchtturm1917 in A5 with dotted grid. (You can see my first bullet journal here). I started my second bullet journal in the beginning of September and I've managed to transfer most of my favourite spreads in it by now.

Watch the Video here!

Moving to a new bullet journal can be a bit of a pain with all the spreads you have to recreate. However, I quite liked it, because this time I got to choose which spreads to add, put them in the beginning of the journal, so that I can have easier access to them (having all the important spreads in the beginning, rather than having them spread in different places in the journal), and put them in the order that I liked.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

I also got to make any changes that I thought were necessary and change the layout or the way I decorated the pages. All in all I'm really happy with the result and I love all the pages that I've recreated.

So, let's get started!

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

The first page after the index pages was a page that I wanted to decorate with a nice phrase or a quote. There is a phrase that I picked up from Pam Grout's book "E-Cubed: Nine More Energy Experiments That Prove Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig" that I say every morning, and that is 'Something amazing is going to happen today' I really wanted to include this in my bullet journal, so I created this page and I love it because it's the first thing I see when I open my bullet journal.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

In the next page I wanted to include my Word of the Year and my Mission Statement, but I wanted to do something a bit different than before. I got inspired by Nicole and her lovely air-balloon drawings and created the above page, which is definitely one of my favourites.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

I always include a page of Useful Numbers for me but also for my kids. They know that in a case of emergency they can go to this page and call the number they need.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

I simplified my Key completely. Now I only use a dot for everything. I only use more specific symbols for bithdays and anniversaries. I found that using various different symbols for your activities can be a bit confusing some times, and I also thought that it made my pages a bit messy. The Colour Code has all the colours that I use for my dailies and for my time management bar, and it has stayed the same.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

I wanted a Year at a Glance spread. In my previous journal I created this spread in 4 pages, but this time I wanted to condense everything in only 2 pages. I really like how it turned out. This is the page I use to note down holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, various events and school related days. Now I can see how my schedule is looking for the next 12 months.

* There is a printable version of the above 2-page Year at a Glance spread for 2018. You can find it here.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

In the next spread I created my Future Log where I note down all the appointments, events and other important dates. I have a full blog post dedicated to this one if you want more information about it. So, having these two spreads together is really functional, because I can see straight away what I have to do in each month.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

Then I created my Level 10 Life / Level 10 Goals spread, which I've changed up a bit. I talked about it thoroughly in this post if you want to check it out. But it's basically an assessment of your life as it is now in 10 different areas. Then you set up your goals in each one of those areas and you establish the ways and habits that will help you get there. I loved it when I read about it in Hal Elrod's book 'The Miracle Morning' and it has helped me a lot in my goal setting.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net
Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

The next two spreads are about the books I want to read and the books that I have read during 2016. On the first page I'll write previous publications that I really want to read - my top picks from my wishlist. Then I have new publications per month and lastly I note down all the books I've read in 2016. By the way, a little update about my reading goal that I mentioned in the '17 before 2017' post. I had to changed it because it was completely unreasonable.... There was no way could have read 20 books by the end of the year, especially with my schedule as it is now. So now, my reading goal is 60 books in 2016 which is definitely more achievable..

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

Moving further, the next spread is about my Planning Routine. This is the only spread that I didn't change a thing. I literally copied it from my first journal.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

The next page is my Housework Schedule. This is the basic weekly schedule that I tend to follow. Of course, I can change things around depending on the things I need to do each week.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

My Menu Planning is almost the same. I changed the banner at the top a bit, but generally I followed the same layout as my previous one. I need to add more food ideas for each category. It's a very helpful page if you're stuck each week and you don't know what to cook!

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

My Supermarket List looks neater and cleaner. Again I changed the banner at the top and rearranged the items a bit, but all in all it's the same spread. Very functional and practical.

Bullet Journal Flip Through and Video - www.christina77star.net

Lastly, I also recreated a spread for my Vegetable List. Basically the same - just changed the top part a bit. The rest of the pages I've already shared them with you. You can look back in my September and October set ups to see how I prepared my bullet journal for each month.

So, there you have it. My new bullet journal set up. Which spreads do you recreate when you change journals?


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