How to be Consistent with your Bullet Journal
I’ve been bullet journaling for about 2 years now and through this time I’ve been constantly contacted by people, that even though they want to start their own bullet journal, they seem to have certain problems or struggles with it. And one of the biggest ones is being consistent with it.
I’ve been bullet journaling for about 2 years now and through this time I’ve been constantly contacted by people, that even though they want to start their own bullet journal, they seem to have certain problems or struggles with it. And one of the biggest ones is being consistent.
So, in my emails I get comments like:
‘I just can’t seem to find the time to keep doing it…’
‘I am scared that I won’t have enough time to keep up with my bullet journal’
‘My main problem with setting up a bullet journal is not committing to it’
‘The biggest challenge I am having right now is keeping up with my bullet journal. I have stopped using my bullet journal because it was stressing me to put something in it every day. After a whole day of school and homework I didn't had the energy to update anything on it.’
‘My biggest struggle is forgetting to actually write in the bullet journal’
All the above are genuine comments I’ve received in the last few months. If you’ve been having similar thoughts and you feel the same way, then you’re at the right place.
Today, I’ll share with you ways to use your bullet journal consistently and effectively.
1. | Use the right tools
Choose the right notebook, pens or markers. Make sure that this is an enjoyable process and that you get inspired by your tools, notebook and your stationery. I truly believe that your supplies can affect your bullet journal experience.
For example, I've had various notebooks through the years that even though they were cute and fancy, the quality of the paper was not very good, and as a result my handwriting and sketching was affected as well. I found myself not motivated to write or draw in them. But all it took was a change of notebook and I was right back on track!
Useful material:
How to choose the perfect Bullet Journal for you
The battle of the Best Black Pen
2. | Have one planner
Many people choose to have separate planners for either their business, school and personal life. But this can lead to lots of frustration and struggle to keep up with them. Writing everything down in two (or more!) different planners can be confusing, time consuming and you might be tempted to give up.
Choose one planner for everything and use colour coding if needed to separate the different sections/categories. Be smart when you create your to do lists and include everything in one. You can also use a disc bound notebook if you really need to create sections with collections and therefore have a more organised notebook.
Useful material:
How to colour code your Bullet Journal
How to make a Better to-do List
3. | Create the planner that works for you
One of the best things about bullet journaling is that you can literally create the perfect planner for you. You can add any spreads and categories you want, and even if they don't work you can always change them or adjust them to meet your needs. If you take a look around online you can get inspired by other people's planners and the way they use theirs. But don't let yourself get stressed out over it. Some people need very structured systems to focus on while others choose a more flexible, free-form approach.
For example, when I first started bullet journaling I was doing both daily and weekly spreads. I found that there were days that I didn't have many things to do on my list, so my weekly spread was enough. Also, there were days where I was really not bothered to draw or create another daily. When I reviewed what worked and what didn't, I saw that the daily spreads were not really working for me. So, I decided to create only weekly spreads that had all the sections that I needed for my week. Since I made that change, my bullet journaling experience has become even more enjoyable, I feel more productive and I don't spend my time on things that I don't need.
So, take it slow and choose what works best for you. Your planner will change and evolve over time. You just need to give yourself some time to figure out what you need and what you don't.
Useful material:
Weekly vs Daily Spreads in your Bullet Journal
150 Collection and List ideas for your Bullet Journal
4. | Keep your planner accessible
Make sure you have your bullet journal accessible at all times and at a place where you can glance at it from time to time. It is proven that if you see your notebook you're more likely to actually write in it.
Keep it on your desk with all the supplies you need close by, in order to have easy access to them. Or, if you leave the house, take your bullet journal in your bag and carry it around everywhere you go. Make it a habit to check it regularly to find out about the next upcoming tasks or events.
5. | Have a backup plan
Have a back-up plan in place for those times when you've forgotten your day planner at home. You might need to have a mini notebook in your bag at all times, in case you need to write down any notes or appointments when you don't have your planner with you. Then, when you get back home, you can transfer everything in your bullet journal.
6. | Create a new habit
Make a habit every night to set aside 5-10 minutes in order to plan everything you need for the next day. Also, consult your planner every morning and throughout the day for any upcoming appointments, meetings, events or tasks you need to do.
Useful material
Daily Plan Bar for you Bullet Journal
My Bullet Journal planning routine
7. | Associate planning with pleasant thoughts
Do something pleasant when you consult your planner. Try not to think of it as a chore. Instead, think of your bullet journal as a productivity tool and try to associate it with positive feelings instead of negative ones. Every time you reach for your planner have happy thoughts and your brain will soon associate your planner with positive feelings.
8. | Give yourself a reward
Throughout the day cross off all your tasks and appointments as you finish them. Allow yourself a small treat for accomplishing a certain number of tasks. For example, you can treat yourself to a cup of tea or coffee when you cross off 5 items on your list. This will motivate you to use your bullet journal daily and accomplish your tasks at the same time too!
Also, you can feel proud of yourself when you look back at your planner at the end of the day and you see how much you've accomplished. :)
9. | Be patient
Give yourself some time. Setting a new habit can sometimes take 30 days (or more!). Until that happens, you might experience some days where you forget to check your planner or you might even not feel like planning on that particular day. Be patient and forgiving with yourself. Remember that habits take time to form, and that if you occasionally miss a day or two, that won't affect your planning experience.
There you have it! 9 different ways to keep consistent with your bullet journal. I'd love to hear your feedback on it.
How do you keep being consistent with your bullet journal? Did you find any of these tips helpful?
Pink Ribbon Weekly Spread
Today I'm going to talk about a subject that's very close to my heart. And that is breast cancer. Unfortunately, cancer has affected many members of my family. My mum was diagnosed with a very aggressive type of breast cancer in 2008 and after a long battle she's cancer free for the past 7 years and I'm so grateful for that. That wasn't the case for her twin sister... My aunt was diagnosed in June 2016 and she lost the battle to cancer in May 2017... It has really affected all the family and we miss her so much...
I was contacted by Julie, who is a breast cancer survivor, to create a weekly spread with the pink ribbon. I was very happy to create one for her, and I thought that, since October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I could share it with all of you.
Today I'm going to talk about a subject that's very close to my heart - and that is breast cancer. Unfortunately, cancer has affected many members of my family. My mum was diagnosed with a very aggressive type of breast cancer in 2008 and after a long battle she's cancer free for the past 7 years and I'm so grateful for that. That wasn't the case though for her twin sister... My aunt was diagnosed in June 2016 and she lost the battle to cancer in May 2017... It has really affected all the family and we miss her so much...
I was contacted by Julie, who is a breast cancer survivor, to create a weekly spread with the pink ribbon. I was very happy to create one for her, and I thought that, since October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I could share it with all of you.
I've created 4 different versions for you:
- An A5 size with pink dotted grid
- A Letter size with pink dotted grid
- A Letter size with white background
- A Letter size with white background and coloured ribbon
In the first 3 I left the ribbon and the designs in it in black and white, so that you can go ahead and colour it yourself in order to add your own touch to it.
You can get your FREE printable by subscribing to my Newsletter. If you're already a subscriber, you can find the printable in the Resourses Library.
Subscribe now to my Newsletter to download the FREE Printable.
Plus get access to the Resources Library!
I'd like to thank Julie for her idea and also I'd like to say to everyone that has been through this horrible disease that you are an inspiration for all of us with your courage and determination.
Thank you.
Bullet Journal: My October Set Up
September has been a very productive month full of new beginnings and focus on new projects. My trusty bullet journal was there to help me plan everything as usual. Last month's set up worked pretty well, and therefore you'll see that I've kept a lot of the spreads almost the same. So, let's get started!
September has been a very productive month full of new beginnings and focus on new projects. My trusty bullet journal was there to help me plan everything as usual. Last month's set up worked pretty well, and therefore you'll see that I've kept a lot of the spreads almost the same. So, let's get started!
For the front page of this month, I chose one of the designs I've created in my Etsy Store. It's again the little penguin trying to scare us with his toy spider, with a Halloween theme. It took me no time to print it on a sticker paper and add it on the page. Of course, this printable is for 2018 but I really wanted to use it this month, so all I did was to change the days at the top to start from a Sunday. Simple! :)
I had so much fun creating these designs and you can find the whole Printable Calendar Kit for 2018 in my Etsy Store.
The next page is my Monthly Goals page. I didn't change anything from last month apart from the way the boxes look. I wanted it to look like a noticeboard where I stick everything I need to remember to do this month, as well as all the things I need to do in November. I really like the way it turned out - it looks fun and colourful!
Next comes my Month at a Glance spread. It's the same one like last month, since I prefer this layout better. And I'm happy to report that I managed to write the correct month this time! (unlike last month!)
Next up is my Brain Dump Spread, that's pretty much a regular in every monthly set up. As I've mentioned before, I think everyone should have a page like this in their monthly set up, where they can write anything they need to remember without creating a whole separate spread for it. This time I decided to turn it into a notebook drawing, which I think looks pretty cool. :)
The next spread is the one I started last month. It is my gratitude page, but with a twist. It's called the 'Gratitude Jar', and I saw this idea in Tracey's website. It's a different way of keeping a gratitude journal. Above you can see how my September one turned out. Even though it's note finished yet, I LOVE the way it looks and how I can still see all the things I've been grateful for this month!
I've created a printable version of the jar that is available in the Resources Library. So, to make my life easier I just printed it on sticker paper and used the scissors to cut at the lines.
Then I stuck it on the page of my bullet journal and added some colour as well.
You can get your FREE Printable of the Gratitude Jar by subscribing to my Newsletter.
Subscribe now to my Newsletter to download the FREE Printable.
Plus get access to the Resources Library!
Then comes my Workout Log spread. It helps me so much and motivates me to see how I've done during the whole month! My goal is to exercise 4-5 days per week, and this spread helps me to stay on track. :)
I've decided to use an old layout for my weekly spread. This is one of the very first weeklies I created in my bullet journal and I love the simplicity and the organisation of it.
So, this is another month set up in my lovely bullet journal. I can't wait to see all the good things that October is going to bring into my life :)
Wishing everyone a very happy and productive October!
Instagram Challenge: #doodlewithusinoctober2017
Once again I'm excited to announce our Instagram Challenge for the month of October! It's the #doodlewithusinoctober2017 Instagram Challenge created by me and Alexandra (from @alexandra_plans).
It's going to be 31 days of doodles that will hopefully get you to be creative and have fun! The theme of October's prompts is 'Halloween'. This theme is perfect for this time of the year and I seriously can't wait to start drawing!
Once again I'm excited to announce our Instagram Challenge for the month of October! It's the #doodlewithusinoctober2017 Instagram Challenge created by me and Alexandra (from @alexandra_plans).
It's going to be 31 days of doodles that will hopefully get you to be creative and have fun! The theme of October's prompts is 'Halloween'. This theme is perfect for this time of the year and I seriously can't wait to start drawing!
As we did before, all the doodles are part of one big comprehensive picture. Imagine each day to be one piece of the puzzle. So, at the end of the month you will have one big doodle picture! :)
If you decide to follow this way, you'll have to create a table with 5x6 +1 boxes and you shouldn't add the days on the top. You can also make the boxes and dates in pencil, if you don't want the lines to obscure the end result. It's totally up to you.
Of course, if you prefer to draw the doodles in the traditional way, that's absolutely fine as well. The important thing is to have fun!
You can also download a free printout with the daily prompts here.
If you want to join us then:
- Follow me (Christina) @christina77star and Alexandra @alexandra_plans over on Instagram.
- Download the prompts below.
- Draw something according to the day's prompt, take a photo of it, and share it with us on Instagram.
- Don't forget to add the hashtag #doodlewithusinoctober2017 and spread the word.
- Everyone is welcome!
We're excited to see what you'll share!
Thank you for joining in!
Zebra Mildliners - Review
Lot's of people contact me on a daily basis to ask me about my favourite supplies and what pens, markers etc. I'm using to create my spreads in my bullet journal. I've created a page of my favourite resources where I talk about all my favourite things. But I've decided to create some blog posts where I review and showcase my favourite supplies individually. In today's post I'll review my current favourite highlighters - the Zebra Mildliners.
Lot's of people contact me on a daily basis to ask me about my favourite supplies and what pens, markers etc. I'm using to create my spreads in my bullet journal. I've created a page of my favourite resources where I talk about all my favourite things. But I've decided to create some blog posts where I review and showcase my favourite supplies individually. In today's post I'll review my current favourite highlighters - the Zebra Mildliners.
The Zebra Mildliners are water-based highlighters made in Japan. They are double sided with a broad and a fine tip.
The broad tip is 3mm thick and the fine tip is 1mm thick.
What makes them different from other highlighters are the colours, which are softer and not so much 'neon' as the usual highlighters are. They come in packs of 5 and there are 4 different collections: Pastel, Cool, Warm and Rare.
I currently have two of the collections - the Cool and the Warm one. But I'm planning on buying the other two collections very soon. :)
The Cool Collection has the following colours: Green, Blue, Grey, Violet and Red.
The Warm Collection has the following colours: Smoke Blue, Magenta, Gold, Vermillion and Brown.
Both collections have some amazing colours that are vibrant but 'in your face' bright, and I use them daily to create my weekly spreads. The grey from the Cool Collection is the one I'm using all the time to create the shading in my doodles.
Paper test
The Mildliners are write pretty well on the paper and are quite juicy, so expect some extra product at the end of your lines once you lift up the pen. Just dub it with a clean finger and avoid touching the page for 1-2 secs until it dries completely.
I've used them in my Leuchtturm1917 and my Jane's Agenda. In Leuchtturm1917 there is some ghosting, while in Jane's Agenda there's nothing on the back page!
Leuchtturm1917 swatches
Jane's Agenda Swatches
Also, because they are water based and quite liquid, make sure that before you use them to highlight something you've written, that the pen has dried completely.
The ways I use them
Apart from the obvious use of the highlighters, which is to underline or highlight in your books or notes while you're studying, you can also use them to add colour in your spreads in no time. Here are some examples of how I use them to create my weeklies and other spreads in my bullet journal.
They are very good to colour code and make your headers in your bullet journal.
I also use them as a base for my drawings and doodles. They work very well with coloured pencils and help you get nice results with vibrant colours in no time.
The Zebra Mildliners have quickly become a cult favourite in the bullet journal community and you can see why! I absolutely love them and I totally recommend them. You can purchase them from this website with free international shipping. Use the code christina77star to get a 10% discount.
Have you used the Zebra Mildliners before? What are your thoughts about them?
18 before 2018
Goal setting is a very important part of my life. It keeps me focused and it gives me purpose. After doing the 17 Before 2017 goal setting last year, I decided to repeat it this year as well. It is a concept that I've seen in Kara's and Lisa's blogs. It is an end of the year goal-setting challenge, where you look back at what you've accomplished during the year so far, and see what needs to be done before the end of the year. So, if you want to finish 2017 strong, what better way but to create 18 goals to accomplish in the time that's left (no pressure there!)
Even though I didn't manage to finish all of my 17 before 2017, I loved the concept because it put me in the right frame of mind. After going through all the sections of my life and what needs to be done, I've managed to narrow it down to 18 goals that I'd love to finish before the end of the year. I tried to keep things under perspective, but also to be more daring and ask more from myself.
In this blog post, I'm going to share with you all my goals that I want to achieve before the end of 2017. So, let's get started!
I'm going to share with you all my goals that I want to achieve before the end of 2017. So, let's get started!
Goal setting is a very important part of my life. It keeps me focused and it gives me purpose. After doing the 17 Before 2017 goal setting last year, I decided to repeat it this year as well. It is a concept that I've seen in Kara's and Lisa's blogs. It is an end of the year goal-setting challenge, where you look back at what you've accomplished during the year so far, and see what needs to be done before the end of the year. So, if you want to finish 2017 strong, what better way but to create 18 goals to accomplish in the time that's left (no pressure there!)
Even though I didn't manage to finish all of my 17 before 2017 goals, I loved the concept because it put me in the right frame of mind. After going through all the sections of my life and what needs to be done, I've managed to narrow it down to 18 goals that I'd love to finish before the end of the year. I tried to keep things under perspective, but to also be more daring and ask more from myself.
In this blog post, I'm going to share with you all my goals that I want to achieve before the end of 2017. So, let's get started!
#1. Clean Diet
For the past 3 years, I've been taking care of myself and my body, being extra careful of what I eat and drink. However, the past 3-4 months I just let go and didn't really care of what foods I consume. That has resulted in me feeling sluggish and, as you'll see in goal #2, for the kilos to just pile up. This is my chance to start fresh, and take care more of my body. My clean diet means that I eat as much fresh produce as possible, avoiding dairy, soft drinks, meat and sugar. I allow myself to eat fish, but most of my diet is based on veggies and fruit. I've already started this way of eating since September 4th, and I'm already seeing the difference in my body. :)
#2. Lose 8kg by Christmas
I admit it.... I had too many desserts and enjoyed some amazing food during this summer. That resulted in me putting on some weight that I'm just not comfortable with. I really want to start the new year feeling fresh and confident, so I want to make sure that I reach my desired weight by then. The plan is to follow my 'clean diet' and make sure that I eat the right portions. Of course, this goes hand in hand with goal #3.
#3. Join the Gym
I'm very lucky to have a mini gym in my basement, where I keep my treadmill and all my weights and mats in order to do the exercises I want. And even though this is very convenient for me, however I don't get the motivation I need to be more consistent and focused on my exercise. Therefore I've decided to join the gym, where I can take more classes and ask for a more professional help with my exercise routine.
#4. Arrange a spa day for me
It's been so long since I've pampered myself...! I think it is very important to treat ourselves from time to time and that's why I put this in my goals - to make sure that I make time for me!
#5. Read 45 books in 2017
This year I set a goal to read 77 books within 2017. However, I've been very busy and I can clearly see that I won't be reaching that goal. So, I've decided to put things into perspective and set up a more realistic goal for me. I have already read 31 books so far, and I'm planning to read 45 by the end of 2017. I'm sure this is a more achievable goal and that I'll be able to make it.
#6. Save and buy a new phone
I've had my phone for 5 years now and I can see that it's not working as good as it should. Plus, with all the time I spend on social media I need a phone with a bigger screen. I'm hoping to save up and buy an iPhone 7 by the of the year. That'll be my Christmas present to myself :)
#7. Do more things that scare me
I'm so used to be locked up into myself, feeling secure in my daily routine. I want to be more daring and add some adventure into my life. I've already started this summer taking small steps towards this direction by saying 'yes' more to invitations and events. I need to go with the flow and allow myself to do more things that scare me.
#8. Re-decorate the living room and the kithcen
I've already done half of the living room and I'm slowly slowly getting the things I need for the kitchen. It's very important to feel home proud and to take care of your house. As a friend of mine used to say to me, 'the way your house looks and feels reflects the way you act and the way you think'.
#9. Print Photos
Since everything in our lives is digital, I was going through my pictures and I realised that I have more than 10.000 pictures on my laptop and only 3-4 printed in frames!!! So, by the end of this year I'd like to print more pictures and add them around my house, in order to remind myself of precious moments.
#10. Paint kids' bedrooms
As my kids are growing older, they are now having a say about their room decor. It'll be nice to freshen up their rooms, and add some new colours. I'd like them to take part in this project and help along. It should be fun!
#11. Plan Christmas Holidays
Last year I planned to spend our New Year in London and it was an amazing experience. I thoroughly enjoyed going away and I liked the time we all spent together as a family. So, I would like to do the same this year and plan something special for the holidays. I haven't decided yet where to go, but I'm sure I'll come up with something good ;)
#12. Keep in touch with my family more
Since I've moved to Cyprus, I had to say goodbye to all my family and friends. And even though I miss them, I neglect lots of times to keep in touch with them. I'd like to make an effort and call or Skype them more often.
#13. Be more social
Working from home can really make you anti-social while you're all wrapped up in your home environment. Add to this me being extremely shy and then you have a hermit crab! I need to make more friends and go out more. Finding a new hobby, joining the gym etc. will possibly give me the chance to meet more people and make new friends. I also have to make the effort to go out more with my existing friends.
#14. Start making YouTube videos again
I'll admit that I'm not very good at filming and editing. And because I encountered some difficulties the last times I tried to make some videos, I decided to stop all together. But I have so many things and ideas that I want to share with you, that I want to try harder and start creating more YouTube videos.
#15. Finish my 'big project' by Christmas
This is a top secret project that I've been thinking and planning for a while now, and I'd like to finish it before Christmas. Hopefully, my nerves and self-doubt won't prevent me from actually making it happen. :)
#16. Design and create Christmas products for my Etsy Shop
So many ideas and so little time! I want to be ready with all the Christmas products from now. I know how quick time goes by, and I don't want to find myself in the position that I don't have the time to finish all the Christmas projects. So, I want to start now!
#17. Revamp my wardrobe
Doing some strategic buys can really help you joosh up your wardrobe and make you feel more confident in your clothes. I've already made my list and I want to slowly slowly start buying all the things that I want. Also, during November I'll go through all my clothes and give away the ones that I'm not wearing, in order to make room for the new additions :)
#18. Plan my best year yet - 2018
I want to go through 'Your Best Year 2017' book by Lisa Jacobs again and plan my best year for 2018. Plan all the projects and things I want to accomplish, and make sure I'm ready to start from the 1st of January.
What goals do you want to achieve before the end of 2017? What will you do to finish the year strong? Let me know in the comments below.
Bullet Journal Spread Ideas for School
September is already here and that means for a lot of you that the holidays are over and that you have to go back to school. This was my favourite time of the year, back when I was still going to school. 😊 I loved getting ready, buying all the new stationary and generally planning and organising myself for the new school year...! Now I get all excited by getting my two kids ready for school. However, I don't think they feel the same way like I did! 😬
September is already here and that means for a lot of you that the holidays are over, and that you have to go back to school. This was my favourite time of the year, back when I was still going to school. 😊 I loved getting ready, buying all the new stationary and generally planning and organising myself for the new school year...! Now I get all excited by getting my two kids ready for school. However, I don't think they feel the same way like I did...! 😬
Bullet journaling can be a great way to organise yourself for school (college, university etc.) and stay focused throughout the year. You can choose to have a separate bullet journal dedicated only for your school needs and keep another one for your personal life. Or you can have one for both. It's really up to you. No matter which way you choose though, I think the main thing is to keep only one to-do list for both. That way you have everything you need to do on one page and there's no way to miss or forget something you need to do.
There are some basic spreads in a bullet journal that can be re-purposed for your school needs. For example, all the different ways you can future plan that I mention in this blog post, can be used to plan your semesters and your assignments. Your weekly spreads can help you stay on top of what you need to do each week, and your dailies will help you focused on your to-do lists and what you need to study.
Don't forget that colour coding is essential when you have multiple subjects and assignments, so this blog post should help you with that. Also, when you bullet journal index is your best friend. Make sure you archive all your entries so that you can easily find them when needed.
If you are starting a new journal from scratch, that's perfect because you can set it up the way it suits you from the very beginning. Make a list of all the spreads you want to include. Start planning your new bujo and make sure you include all the important pages in the beginning, so that you can access them more easily.
In the next section of this blog post I'll share with you some really nice spreads for school, that some fellow bullet journalists have created and shared online. I hope you find inspiration and create your own spreads in your bullet journal. So, let's get started.
Future Planning
Semester Schedule
Weekly Schedule
* I can't seem to find where I've taken this picture from... If anyone knows please let me know in the comments so that I can give credit.
Exam Study Plans
There are some really cool ways to use your bullet journal for school and I hope you've found this blog post helpful and inspiring. If you have other spreads that you're using in your bullet journal in order to plan your school assignments, exams etc., please share with us in the comments below. :)
Bullet Journal: My September Set Up
I'm finally back from my summer vacations! I had such a nice time in Greece, saw my family and friends and spent lots of time by the sea. But now I'm back, and I'm ready to plan the rest of the year and finish as many projects as possible. I've already set up my bullet journal for September with a few new additions that I'd like to share with you. So, let's get started!
Hello there!
I'm finally back from my summer vacations! I had such a nice time in Greece, saw my family and friends and spent lots of time by the sea. But now I'm back, and I'm ready to plan the rest of the year and finish as many projects as possible. I've already set up my bullet journal for September with a few new additions that I'd like to share with you. So, let's get started!
On the first page of my September set up we find the little penguin, who is ready to go back to school!
Moving on, the next page has my goals and to-do list for the month. This is one of my most useful and functional pages. This month I'm going to focus on me, my kids, my blog and my home (that needs some TLC for sure!). This page helps me focus and not forget to finish the things I need to do during the month. The 'Next Month' Section at the bottom is very helpful as well, because I write down everything I want to remember to do for next month.
I've decided to use this format for my month at a glance calendar. I find that my brain works better when I have things laid out this way in front of me. And, yes I know..... it's not October....! I almost cried when I finished it and realised my mistake... But what can you do?
The next page is spread that Wendy mentioned in the comments in last month's set up post.
This spread is titled 'I did it'. As Wendy mentions in her comment, this is a spread 'where each day I jot down something I accomplished that was maybe a challenge or out of my comfort zone--anything from standing up for myself to baking a pie'. I loved the idea of this page so much, that I've decided to include it in this month's set up. I'm a very shy and insecure person, and I very rarely do things out of my comfort zone. So, I hope that this page will push me to be a bit more daring!
The next page is my gratitude page, but with a twist. It's called the 'Gratitude Jar', and I saw this idea in Tracey's website. It's a different way of keeping a gratitude journal and I love the way the page turned out. I'm also currently reading 'Thank and Grow Rich' by Pam Grout, which is very relevant to this page. :)
The monthly Brain Dump page is a life saviour! I literally dump anything there, from notes to post-its...! This will definitely be a repeated monthly page for sure.
Also, my Workout Log page worked out perfectly last month, so I decided to keep the same format this month too. I love that I can see at a glance how many days I've exercised during the month, and what I did on each one :)
The last spread is my weekly spread. I've decided to use this colourful layout, because it's very functional and easy to do :)
So, there you have it. One more month is set up in my Bullet Journal. What new spreads have you implemented in this month's set up? Which spreads to you use repeatedly each month? Let me know in the comments below.
I wish everyone has a wonderful and very productive September :)